artist residency

The resi­den­cy Vil­le­kul­la is meant to be in a pro­cess of con­stant trans­for­ma­ti­on; editing, deve­lo­ping, focu­sing, re-ela­bo­ra­ting and re-enacting.

Our main inte­rest lays in one’s cur­rent sta­te of thoughts, expe­ri­ments and expres­si­on, rather than in what has been achie­ved in the past. Which traces are fol­lo­wed, what influen­ces are taken into account?

Bes­i­des fer­ti­li­sing a space of focus on one’s own artis­tic acti­vi­ties, it is fun­da­men­tal to us to as well con­sti­tu­te a basis for exch­an­ge and a nou­ris­hing ground for cul­tu­ral dis­cour­se for and with the imme­dia­te envi­ron­ment of the resi­den­cy. What com­pon­ents take part in and defi­ne the artis­tic pro­ces­ses? Does the vil­la­ge bak­er get invi­ted for break­fast or inclu­ded in the pro­cess of a work? Are the picked pears just put in the cel­lar or do you enjoy their juice?


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The­re are no future events.