
gîte small room
litt­le room

The three-room apart­ment con­sists of a small and a lar­ge bed­room, the kit­chen with adjoi­ning dining area, a sau­na and a bath­room with bath­tub and toi­let. The kit­chen is open to the dining area, with a table for about eight peo­p­le and a fire­place. The who­le apart­ment can be hea­ted with the cen­tral hea­ting (wood-hea­ting; loca­ted on the first flo­or) and by the two fire­places. The sau­na is hea­ted electrically.

gîte big room double bed
big room
gîte big room oven
fire­place in the big room
gîte kitchen
gîte dining area
dining area with fireplace
gîte sauna