
trekking in the nearby woods
trek­king in the near­by woods

The near­by forests are loca­ted in the natu­re reser­ve «Parc natu­rel régio­nal des Bal­lons des Vos­ges». Here, man hard­ly inter­ven­es and the forest is lar­ge­ly left to its own. The wild trees over­grown with moss sur­roun­ded by count­less small lakes of the «Pla­teau des Mil­le Étangs» lea­ves a mysti­cal impression.

See the Home­page of «l’office de tou­ris­me des 1000 étangs» for fur­ther information

The old Mill near «La Mer»
View of Fau­co­gney from St. Mar­tins Chapel