Fundraising Video Production

29 November – 06 December

In one week Iri­na Fel­ler, Mar­len Kel­ler and Trix Brech­bühl crea­ted the video for our crowdfunding.

Webpage of Irina Feller Marlen Keller Trix Brechbühl

The hou­se is being con­ver­ted into a place that should be available as a basis for artis­tic acti­vi­ty and exch­an­ge for as many peo­p­le as pos­si­ble. Whe­ther it’s a ten-per­son coll­ec­ti­ve for the annu­al retre­at, a musi­ci­an duo to com­po­se songs, the actress to rehe­ar­se her new role or the aut­hor to edit his novel, insu­la­ted and habi­ta­ble rooms are nee­ded for all of this. No one should free­ze their fin­gers off or be depri­ved of sleep by flaking bits of pla­ster. Befo­re that hap­pens, we need to do cer­tain reno­va­tions and altera­ti­ons and for that we need your support!

Gran­ge (Barn): For lower hea­ting costs, more sus­taina­bi­li­ty, a spa­cious stu­dio and against sum­me­ry invol­un­t­a­ry sweat lodge fee­ling: Insu­la­ti­on roof and flo­or. Ope­ning a lar­ge cha­rac­te­ri­stic space for year-round use as a stu­dio, rehear­sal space for per­forming and musi­cal arts, and as a space for initi­al exhi­bi­ti­on set­tings and projections.

Flat 2: For the mor­ning tea after inspi­ring reve­rie, a place to wri­te tog­e­ther, space for tall peo­p­le and against pla­ster pee­ling in bed: Rai­sing the cei­ling and thus re-pla­ste­ring the cei­ling and bet­ter insu­la­ti­on. Glass tiles for more day­light. A Kit­chen. Ope­ning of three more rooms as living and stu­dio space so that the place can also be made acces­si­ble for lar­ger collectives.