Karin Kraemer – Hi!


My name is Karin and I work main­ly in the field of illu­stra­ti­on, gra­phic nar­ra­ti­on and dra­wing. The time at Vil­la Vil­le­kul­la pas­sed by so quick­ly (sad) and a lot has hap­pen­ed during my stay (nice). Cla­ra and I shared a stu­dio space in Chez Moni­que, the for­mer shop on the ground flo­or which was per­fect for working tog­e­ther yet a litt­le apart sin­ce it con­sists of two con­nec­ted rooms. At the begin­ning of our stay I was a litt­le hold back becau­se I had my hand stit­ched due to an inju­ry just days befo­re I came to Vil­la Vil­le­kul­la. I was a litt­le sad: my plan was to do a lot of pot­tery during my stay but had to wait for two weeks until I was allo­wed to dig into the clay. I did howe­ver mana­ge to throw some cups which then later fai­led me humo­rous­ly during the second firing (to be fair I must con­fess that I am the one who fai­led the cups not vice versa):

Cups gone wrong

On the upsi­de: They are all water­tight so may­be they’ll ser­ve me for some form of bevera­ge in the near future!

Alma­nach (Ach. Ach.)

Today I finis­hed the last of 15 book­lets I’ve added to my Alma­nach during my stay at the Vil­la. I’ve been working in the­se artists books sin­ce 2013 and I use them main­ly to work free­ly and wit­hout goal or too much thin­king. I try to avo­id rules and some­ti­mes suc­ce­ed in it. For me, the pages of the books ser­ve both as ground for con­flict and dia­lo­gue. To hold the books tog­e­ther, I some­ti­mes like to add a slip­ca­se so I sewed one out of some spa­re can­vas I had lying around.


I very much enjoy­ed being able to draw wha­te­ver came into my mind. I have some loo­se ends that I bring back home with me (for exam­p­le a very big cow which I could­n’t finish. Once I am finis­hed, I will let you know!).

Until then, I hope to see you again dear Vil­la Vil­le­kul­la, dear Eva, Ida, Salo­me and Cla­ra! It was so nice mee­ting you, coo­king and dra­wing with you. Thank you Iris, Nico­las and Seli­na for let­ting me stay at the beau­tiful place you’­ve created.


See you soon