Eva Weber – After rain comes sunshine

Salut, my name is Eva Weber. I am a gra­phic desi­gner (alt­hough I iden­ti­fy more with the term «Gestal­te­rin»). I work and live in Vienna. 

I am about to lea­ve love­ly Vil­le­kul­la and my thoughts about my stay here are not sor­ted yet. Time is stran­ge and somehow I fell into a litt­le bubble of rain. I had 4 inten­se weeks here, working on dif­fe­rent pro­jects. Try­ing to lea­ve coro­na-win­ter behind me and regain a more acti­ve and opti­mi­stic view on the time to come. Due to hea­vy and con­stant rain­falls I did not lea­ve the hou­se that much on some points – may­be the per­fect fina­le of the locked down time before. 

«In der gesamten Fliegerei nennt man die flugtechnische Alternative zum Absturz eine Landung, die sich vor allem dadurch auszeichnet, dass man sie beliebig oft wiederholen kann!»

It is inte­re­st­ing to me that alt­hough huma­ni­ty came so far and dis­co­ver­ed so much an appar­ent­ly basic thing like the wea­ther is still the cen­ter of our dai­ly lifes. I think for some it might be the only atta­che­ment which is left to natu­re (How far we’­ve come, huh?). I wai­ted for the rain to stop and the wind to come. I left my com­pu­ter alo­ne and I lifted up, star­ted to com­mu­ni­ca­te with every squall. 

The kites are the first tests of a new pro­ject. I am thin­king about brin­ging dra­wing and move­ment tog­e­ther in the air, also loo­king at the desi­re to fly, over­co­me natu­re and the revo­lu­tio­na­ry act of playing.

And just for fun a pain­ted some pie­ces of silk, explo­ring tex­ti­les and body entangelments.

Mer­ci beau­coup for the shared time, ener­gy, Picon and laugh­ter Karin, Ida, Salo­me and Cla­ra! Au revoir! @_evaweber / www.evaweber.net