Salut, my name is Eva Weber. I am a graphic designer (although I identify more with the term «Gestalterin»). I work and live in Vienna.
I am about to leave lovely Villekulla and my thoughts about my stay here are not sorted yet. Time is strange and somehow I fell into a little bubble of rain. I had 4 intense weeks here, working on different projects. Trying to leave corona-winter behind me and regain a more active and optimistic view on the time to come. Due to heavy and constant rainfalls I did not leave the house that much on some points – maybe the perfect finale of the locked down time before.
«In der gesamten Fliegerei nennt man die flugtechnische Alternative zum Absturz eine Landung, die sich vor allem dadurch auszeichnet, dass man sie beliebig oft wiederholen kann!»
It is interesting to me that although humanity came so far and discovered so much an apparently basic thing like the weather is still the center of our daily lifes. I think for some it might be the only attachement which is left to nature (How far we’ve come, huh?). I waited for the rain to stop and the wind to come. I left my computer alone and I lifted up, started to communicate with every squall.
The kites are the first tests of a new project. I am thinking about bringing drawing and movement together in the air, also looking at the desire to fly, overcome nature and the revolutionary act of playing.
And just for fun a painted some pieces of silk, exploring textiles and body entangelments.
Merci beaucoup for the shared time, energy, Picon and laughter Karin, Ida, Salome and Clara! Au revoir! @_evaweber /