Nona Krach – many claps, some rain, more bread, one roof, less hair

We are Nona Krach (Mina Acher­mann and Noah Krum­men­acher from Bern, CH) and we are explo­ring Faucogney(-not-)-a-la-mer and its sur­roun­dings. In our col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve work we climb and fall with our bodies and in our dis­cus­sions and we try to find the neces­si­ty of being «in twos». Packed with video came­ra and water­bot­t­le, black hats and micro­pho­ne we are strol­ling around, loo­king for land­scapes to play with and frames to cap­tu­re it. The land­scape beco­mes the play­ground for our inter­ac­tions and our bodies, which mer­ge and sepa­ra­te into and from each other. We are mer­ging, but our indi­vi­dua­li­ty may not vanish.
In the past few weeks at resi­den­cy Vil­le­kul­la we’ve film­ed a lot of per­for­ma­ti­ve inter­ac­tions in and around Fau­co­gney. At the same time we tried to bring cer­tain aspects of our work into an insi­de space. In the exhi­bi­ti­on „Nicher“, we show two pro­jec­tions of vide­oper­for­man­ces which are being pro­jec­ted oppo­si­te each other. At the ver­nis­sa­ge of the exhi­bi­ti­on we did a live-per­for­mance which took place in a room with no elec­tri­cal light during sun­set and lasted until it was almost dark (Pic­tures below).

Also: Thanks to ever­yo­ne of the Vil­la Vil­le­kul­la coll­ec­ti­ve for the space and thanks to the fel­low resi­dents for a won­derful and inten­se time tog­e­ther <3

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Docu­men­ta­ti­on pho­to 1 from the live-per­for­mance at the ver­nis­sa­ge of our exhi­bi­ti­on «Nicher» in Fau­co­gney-et-la-Mer, 22.10.21.
Live-per­for­mance, docu­men­ta­ti­on pho­to 2. 
Live-per­for­mance, docu­men­ta­ti­on pho­to 3.