«C’est Jeudi, le 4 août, il est 08:30 du matin. Je me rends au carrefour du village. Ici, je commence mon voyage. Mon concept est claire : Je fais du stop, et je me laisse emporter par les destinations de mes rencontres.»
With this sentence begins the performance «A emporter», which was created during the residency at Villa Villekulla and presented in the exhibition on site. The sentence explains the concept of my one-day hitchhiking trip that preceded the performance. Starting from the crossroads in Faucogney, I traveled around, always going where the drivers were going anyway. Starting with the elderly woman who drove me to the neighboring village, the journey took me via 12 different cars to Besançon, where the terminus of Tramline 2 was equally the terminus of my journey. In «A emporter», this journey is retold and the route taken is recorded on the ground with chalk. The resulting map is not oriented to points of the compass, but is drawn from encounters, subjective observations, and the relation to other geographical contexts that came up in the conversations.
«Depuis là, un autre jeune homme me ramène à l’entrée du village où je passais il y a quelques minutes. Sa voiture est rouge, il porte un pantalon Adidas rouge, boit une boisson dans une cannette rouge et son diffuseur d’odeur rouge sens les cerises.»
«La prochaine personne est de mon âge, où voir même un peu plus jeune. Il m’a vu et à tourné au rond-point pour revenir me chercher. Il est fasciné par l’idée de voyager sans but. Mais lui, il va commencer sans travail dans dix minutes – nettoyer des vitres dans un restaurant qui ouvrira demain.»
Besides this performance, the residency at Villa Villekulla allowed me to continue working on ideas that I have been carrying around for a while. A performative work, developed from conversations with my grandparents and writings by them, is in the making and will accompany me for a while. Yet the initial spark to bring this to a form has happened – Thank you Villa Villekulla.