Charlotte Olivieri – À la campagne

Upon my arri­val in Fau­co­gney-et-la-Mer, I nee­ded of a break from my dai­ly grind, see­king an escape from the relent­less pro­duc­tion demands that had been weig­hing me down. During the three months I spent at Vil­la Vil­le­kul­la, I found the oppor­tu­ni­ty to slow down and recla­im some time for mys­elf. I lived in this small coun­try vil­la­ge at my own rhythm, a slower rhythm. I went for walks in the forest that sur­roun­ded me, often accom­pa­nied by pod­casts or long dis­cus­sions with my flat­ma­tes. In my bed and on the sofa in the living room I hung out and che­ris­hed tal­king about love with Fred. I baked fruit tarts and pre­pared dis­hes to share with the who­le hou­se­hold. With no pre­de­fi­ned con­cept, I drew and model­led clay to make cera­mic vases. I read books, espe­ci­al­ly novels – the ones I did­n’t take the time to read. I watched lots of films, docu­men­ta­ries and series – all cho­sen becau­se they told les­bi­an sto­ries. I coll­ec­ted, pho­to­gra­phed and refe­ren­ced each of the­se acti­vi­ties on the walls of the stu­dio – to keep a trace of them. A trace of this mul­ti­ple rese­arch that has allo­wed me to dig deep into my own reflec­tions, my prac­ti­ce and my postu­re as an artist.

Thank you Arunà, Fred, Léo­nard, Made­lei­ne, Nina, Manu­el, Iris and Nico­las for this won­derful expe­ri­ence <3 

The coll­ec­tion on the wall of Chez Monique 

More about Char­lot­te Oli­vi­e­ri :