Call of the wild

Open call for the sea­son 2024

The application period for the season 2024 is closed

deut­sche ver­si­on / ver­si­on française

Sor­ry It’s late and you are out of sorts. You’ve been up, awai­ting and listening. Have you heard it? Can you feel it? At first like a bree­ze but now gro­wing stron­ger. You some­ti­mes used to feel like trans­forming into a pie­ce of fur­ni­tu­re, like an itch that’s mecha­ni­cal. But not any­mo­re. Natu­re is now cal­ling, dra­wing you to Fau­co­gney, to its green pastu­res, woods and thou­sands ponds, urging you to come (back) to the wil­der­ness – make it known – sing it in the quiet streets, shout it in the forests, mum­ble it to the frogs or keep it a whisper – The call of the wild.

We her­eby announ­ce the Open Call 2024. App­ly tog­e­ther or alo­ne, let us help you or ask us if you have any que­sti­ons – email.

We are loo­king for­ward to your applications!

The Vil­le­kul­la Collective


The Vil­le­kul­la is a place for and by artists, an old hou­se with living‑, studio‑, exhi­bi­ti­on- and working-spaces (which are reg­rett­ab­ly, due to the twis­ty archi­tec­tu­re of the hou­se, not sui­ted for wheel­chair access). The Vil­le­kul­la is loca­ted in the heart of the medieval vil­la­ge of Fau­co­gney-et-la-Mer, in the south of the Vos­ges. The vil­la­ge is to be rea­ched eit­her by hitch­hi­king, cycling, wal­king or by car.
The resi­den­cy is in con­stant trans­for­ma­ti­on, a place in pro­gress, a place of encoun­ters and con­stant col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. Our inte­rest does not lay in what you alre­a­dy have achie­ved, but in your cur­rent artis­tic work. For this rea­son, and in order to obtain a coher­ent group that fits the loca­ti­on, we take the liber­ty of reque­st­ing a pro­ject out­line that is rela­ted to the Open Call theme.

Two resi­den­ci­es are plan­ned for 2024, during each of which a maxi­mum of five artists will be able to enli­ven and per­form at the Villekulla:

Slot 01: Satur­day, 30. 03. 2024 – Sun­day, 30. 06. 2024

Slot 02: Satur­day, 03. 08. 2024 – Sun­day, 03. 11. 2024

The cost of the stay is CHF 660 per person.

The dead­line for appli­ca­ti­ons is 30. 11. 2023.

Our jury is made up of the coll­ec­ti­ve mem­bers and exter­nal peo­p­le.
We will deci­de within two weeks after the end of the appli­ca­ti­on peri­od and then send the posi­ti­ve or nega­ti­ve ans­wers by mail.

Hou­se rules and conditions


At the end of the sea­son, the two groups will be able to rea­li­se an exhi­bi­ti­on tog­e­ther with the vil­le­kul­la coll­ec­ti­ve mem­bers in an exhi­bi­ti­on venue, to make the work pro­du­ced during the resi­den­cy visi­ble to the public. The idea is not that the groups have to crea­te a work tog­e­ther. Rather, indi­vi­du­al but also coll­ec­ti­ve inputs on the year’s the­me «call of the wild» are cal­led for.

The exhi­bi­ti­on is depen­dent on fun­ding recei­ved and the capa­ci­ty of the coll­ec­ti­ve. Details will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted during the cour­se of the year.