
The application period for the season 2024 is closed

Call of the wild

Sor­ry It’s late and you are out of sorts. You’ve been up, awai­ting and listening. Have you heard it? Can you feel it? At first like a bree­ze but now gro­wing stron­ger. You some­ti­mes used to feel like trans­forming into a pie­ce of fur­ni­tu­re, like an itch that’s mecha­ni­cal. But not any­mo­re. Natu­re is now cal­ling, dra­wing you to Fau­co­gney, to its green pastu­res, woods and thou­sands ponds, urging you to come (back) to the wil­der­ness – make it known – sing it in the quiet streets, shout it in the forests, mum­ble it to the frogs or keep it a whisper – The call of the wild.

Hou­se rules and conditions

shows the fassade on the "rue des fosses" side
Fas­sa­de on the «rue des fos­ses» side

see images below

The Vil­la Vil­le­kul­la – a place for artists. An antique hou­se with space for living, stu­di­os, work­shops and show­rooms, loca­ted in the medieval nucleus of the remo­te vil­la­ge Fau­co­gney-et-la-Mer (FR) amid the „Pla­teau des mil­le étangs“. The Vil­la faci­li­ta­tes slow living and sere­ni­ty, thus space and inspi­ra­ti­on to let artis­tic pro­ces­ses unfold and con­cise con­tem­pla­ti­on take place. A space with fer­ti­le ground for dis­cour­ses, about vita con­tem­pla­ti­va and acti­va, a space for tem­po­ra­ry com­mu­ni­ties, a space for inter­ven­ti­ons and revi­ta­li­sa­ti­on.

The resi­dents of the Vil­la main­ly live in auto­no­my and by them­sel­ves. The faci­li­ties are taken care of by the cur­rent group of resi­dents and with the accor­ding soli­ci­tu­de. Mindful­ness and awa­re­ness are con­stant co-beings and from time to time, the pears need to plucked off the tree. Howe­ver, to assist coor­di­na­ting pro­jects and spaces as well as to wel­co­me new­bies and wave fare­well to the depar­ting, beings from the coll­ec­ti­ve will tag along the resi­dents, sometimes.

Follow our blog and instagram account
atelier chez monique

Chez Moni­que



Pot­tery workshop

Common room oven and kitchen


gîte small room


courtyard from above


Outdoor area

Ter­race garden

big workshop gate


church of st. georges


flat 2 entrée

Flat 2

General terms

The sel­ec­tion of artists or artist coll­ec­ti­ves (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as A*) is car­ri­ed out by the coll­ec­ti­ve Vil­le­kul­la, after effec­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­on and based on the prin­ci­ples of grass­roots democracy.

The appli­ca­ti­on is bin­ding and the place is defi­ni­te­ly assi­gned after the sel­ec­tion. Should A* be unable to come to the resi­dence at the spe­ci­fi­ed time, the amount must still be paid or (bet­ter) a sub­sti­tu­te must be found.

The costs for the resi­den­cy (3 months) amount to CHF 660 per per­son and aim to cover ancil­la­ry costs for the time of the stay. Per­so­nal guests during the stay must be arran­ged with the other A* and are asked to under­ta­ke a soli­da­ri­ty con­tri­bu­ti­on of total CHF 8 per night and per­son. Plea­se ask guests to respect the work dyna­mic, it is not a vaca­ti­on spot. Visits of groups big­ger than 5, are to be coor­di­na­ted with the coll­ec­ti­ve Vil­le­kul­la.
Pets may only be taken by arrangement.

Communication / Publicity

The resi­dents are free to use Vil­la Villekulla’s blog and insta­gram-account to publish and pro­mo­te work and are bound to do at least one con­tri­bu­ti­on during a stay. Don’t use the mes­sa­ging func­tion on Insta­gram, if possible.


On arri­val in Fau­co­gney-et-la-Mer, one mem­ber of the coll­ec­ti­ve Vil­le­kul­la will be pre­sent to hand over the hou­se to the A*, and take it back befo­re depar­tu­re.
To use the work­shops, an intro­duc­tion must be made during the han­do­ver. In the event of con­fu­si­on regar­ding the use of machi­nery or mate­ri­als during the resi­dence or in the event of loss and/or dama­ge of fur­ni­tu­re and/or infras­truc­tu­re, the cont­act per­son must be infor­med and the rele­vant item be repla­ced upon agree­ment with the cont­act per­son.
The coll­ec­ti­ve Vil­le­kul­la does not assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for the dama­ge of any objects from and of the hou­se, espe­ci­al­ly no lia­bi­li­ty is assu­med for the loss or dama­ge of pri­va­te objects or in case of inju­ry of A* by third par­ties. The A* are recom­men­ded to take out an ade­qua­te insu­rance in a suf­fi­ci­ent amount. The A* com­mit to tre­at the pro­vi­ded infras­truc­tu­re, the sur­roun­dings and the neigh­bour­hood with respect and care.
Smo­king is pro­hi­bi­ted (except the cour­ty­ard).
During the resi­den­cy, plants in and around the hou­se may also be cared for, plea­se water them. And dis­po­se of anything moul­dy or declared as waste: green con­tai­ner out on Tues­day and yel­low con­tai­ner out on even calen­dar weeks’ Thursdays.

Before departure

all rooms used have to be clea­ned (not only broom-clea­ned) and put back to their ori­gi­nal con­di­ti­on. Bed linen, rags and towels are to be washed and hung up to dry.
More detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the hou­se and the neigh­bour­hood you′ll find in the «Gui­de».

Last but not least

We do have a lot of space for many things, but we do not want to beco­me a Fun­dus. The­r­e­fo­re, plea­se take all mate­ri­al back with you, we do not accept mate­ri­al dona­ti­ons – except by arrangement.