

The Gran­ge is ide­al for per­for­ma­ti­ve art, lar­ge instal­la­ti­ons or exhi­bi­ti­ons. The three levels crea­te spe­cial spaces that allow for new per­spec­ti­ves. The space is insu­la­ted but can­not be heated.

Exhi­bi­ti­on situa­ti­on Valen­tin Beck
Big work­shop
Big workshop workbench

The big work­shop is equip­ped with some hand machi­nes and tools as well as a small mate­ri­al pool. The win­dows facing the «Gran­ge», crea­te a link bet­ween the two rooms. The gate is ope­ning the Room onto the «Grand Rue» allo­wing to work on lar­ge objects in the work­shop. The room can­not be heated.

Big workshop backside
big workshop gate

courtyard from above

The cour­ty­ard has two levels. The upper level, thanks to its flo­or cons­truc­tion, allo­ws day­light to enter the lower part. Various plants enrich the ter­race. The patio is cover­ed with a foil that can be rol­led up. The­r­e­fo­re, in win­ter, the tem­pe­ra­tu­re rare­ly drops below zero.

Lower part
shows courtyard and entrance of the gîte
Upper part
Flat two
living room of the flat two

On the second flo­or, abo­ve the «gîte», the­re is ano­ther, more rustic flat with the same flo­or size. In two rooms the­re is a small sto­ve for hea­ting. The flat also has a kit­chen, toi­let and hip bath/shower.

little room of flat two
Litt­le Room
Big room of the flat two
Big room
courtyard and rooftop
view into the courtyard
gîte small room
litt­le room

The three-room apart­ment con­sists of a small and a lar­ge bed­room, the kit­chen with adjoi­ning dining area, a sau­na and a bath­room with bath­tub and toi­let. The kit­chen is open to the dining area, with a table for about eight peo­p­le and a fire­place. The who­le apart­ment can be hea­ted with the cen­tral hea­ting (wood-hea­ting; loca­ted on the first flo­or) and by the two fire­places. The sau­na is hea­ted electrically.

gîte big room double bed
big room
gîte big room oven
fire­place in the big room
gîte kitchen
gîte dining area
dining area with fireplace
gîte sauna
Ter­race garden
Outdoor area
View onto the village

The green area is loca­ted on the hig­hest ter­race level, direct­ly on the edge of the forest. It offers a gre­at view over the val­ley and is sui­ta­ble for yoga ses­si­ons or cosy bar­be­cue evenings, for exam­p­le. Bare­ly five minu­tes of wal­king from the house

Outdoor area
with fire­place
Com­mon room
Common room oven and kitchen

The fur­nace forms the cen­ter of the com­mon room and thus divi­des the room into kitchen/dining area and living room/sewing cor­ner. The kit­chen is ful­ly equip­ped, also for coo­king lar­ger quan­ti­ties. In the living room is a day­bed, a couch and a pia­no. In the near­by cor­ner is a sewing machi­ne and a basic sel­ec­tion of threads and fabrics.

drying herbs
Common room kitchen
Com­mon flat
Common flat - little room

Abo­ve the com­mon room the­re are fur­ther rooms with beds, a roof ter­race and a bath­room. The rooms are bright, so they are also sui­ta­ble for clean, quiet work.

Common flat - roofterrasse
bathroom of the comon room
Chez Moni­que
Ent­rance on «Grand Rue» side

The space is divi­ded into two parts, with a shop win­dow facing the «Grand Rue». It is sui­ta­ble eit­her as a show­room or as a stu­dio. Chez Moni­que is equip­ped with a „Tiba­herd“ sto­ve, that can be used to heat the space on cold days as well as for coo­king, pre­ser­ving food or dying fab­rics on site.

Din­ner­ta­ble at the Vernissage
Pot­tery workshop
pottery shop

The pot­tery stu­dio is loca­ted on the ground flo­or. A lot of day­light enters the room through the glass door to the «Rue des Fos­sés». The­re are pot­ter’s wheels and some clay working tools as well as a kiln. The­re is a sel­ec­tion of clay and gla­zes that can be obtai­ned from the collective.

pottery kiln
Choice of glazes
Choice of clays